Sustainable Intelligence
Attention to environmental issues and our commitment to green design give our organisation a competitive edge.
When designing and manufacturing our products, we select materials with a low environmental impact and aim to reduce material consumption and waste and to save energy.
This is why all the products in our collections include CARB2 certied ecological panels with laser-welded, adhesive-free edges, and are painted with water-based paints that reduce the emission of harmful substances by up to 95% compared to solvent-based paints.
Carbon Footprint
Sustainability is intelligent.
The term "Carbon footprint" refers to a company's ecological prole, i.e. the environmental impact of the products it offers on the market. Environmental impact is measured by assessing factors such as the intelligent use and recyclability of resources and the useful life of finished products. Another factor that is likely to become increasingly important is the reduction of living spaces. As cities expand, apartments become smaller and smaller: because of necessity as well as convenience, Clei's transformable furniture is the ideal solution to make the most of the small available spaces.
L’attenzione alle tematiche ambientali e dunque il nostro impegno in un’ottica di green design sono leve competitive della nostra organizzazione.
Progettiamo e costruiamo i nostri prodotti scegliendo materiali a basso impatto ambientale e pensando alla riduzione dei consumi dei materiali, degli sprechi e al risparmio energetico.
Pertanto, tutti i prodotti delle nostre collezioni, prevedono l’impiego dei pannelli ecologici certificati CARB2, con bordi saldati al laser e dunque privi di collanti e delle vernici ad acqua che riducono l’emissione di sostanze nocive fino al 95% rispetto alle vernici con solventi.
Ecologia e sicurezza indirizzano le nostre scelte.
In questa politica sono coinvolti tutti i nostri fornitori in un’ottica di allungamento della vita utile dei prodotti, di riduzione dei consumi, e di qualità ambientale.
Our choices are guided by environmental awareness and safety.
All our suppliers are required to adhere to this policy, with a view to prolonging the useful life of products, reducing consumption and safeguarding environmental quality.
The charm of intelligence
Innovation as a tool for growth