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Transforming Time

Events - 24 April 2024

Transforming Time

Salone: an extraordinary opportunity for encounters

Clei at the Salone del Mobile 2024

Of all, time is the most precious of non-renewable resources. And also the most stubbornly incompressible. Every year, the marvellous machine we call the 'Salone del Mobile' together with its metropolitan satellites multiplies ideas, events and stimuli exponentially, so that artistic and cultural attractions follow one another without interruption.

But the 'Salone' is also - and above all - an extraordinary meeting opportunity. A machine that brings together people who share the same passion for things 'well thought out and well made': the objects that make the world a place where it is more pleasant to live and inhabit.

And since time is neither infinite nor compressible, thank you for choosing to spend it with us and for the attention you have paid to our research work.

Making Room Program

The project -aimed at the housing, contract and hotellerie sectors -intercepts the needs of architects, interior decorators, contractors, real estate developers, construction companies, as well as a public that requires residential solutions adapted to the new social organisation of large cities: increasingly smaller private spaces, but equipped with every comfort and tailor-made. Clei's new proposal responds both to the demand for custom-made spaces and to the increasingly widespread need for designers to find standardised solutions to meet today's lifestyles.

"We are particularly proud of our participation in this edition of the Salone del Mobile, which marks a new course for Clei, thanks to the change in management that has set itself the objectives of strengthening its presence on the domestic market through new investments and that of boosting international expansion," says Eugenio Foresti, the company's General Manager.

"With Making Room we grasp a need, a desire to interpret space in a different way," comment Barbara and Luca Colombo, Managing Directors of Clei, "to which we respond with a flexible global project that integrates multifunctional transformable systems. It is a radical paradigm shift, ours: a new way of looking at things, tackling problems, finding realistic and sustainable solutionsin a way that is both rational and creative at the same time. In this way, what until recently had seemed unusual, if not downright unimaginable, has become a reality. With Making Room we capture a need, a desire to interpret space in a different way," comment Barbara and Luca Colombo, Managing Directors of Clei, "to which we respond with a flexible global project that integrates multifunctional transformable systems. It is a radical paradigm shift, ours: a new way of looking at things, tackling problems, finding realistic and sustainable solutions in a way that is both rational and creative at the same time. In this way, what until recently seemed unusual or even inconceivable, becomes the new normal. Specifically, the new way of conceiving space and time in the most precious place of our existence, the home. This project confirms the strong vocation for research and experimentation that has always characterised our company, devoted to the values of systemic multifunctionality and design flexibility as key concepts of the contemporary world".

Clei at Salone del Mobile.Milano

Events - 26 March 2025

Clei at Salone del Mobile.Milano


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