Press Room - 21 November 2015
Il Sole 24 ore - the sun shines on the italian furniture market once again
"Il Sole 24 Ore", in the edition of 21 November, published an article on the Italian furniture sector. According to the newspaper, turnover in Italian companies has increased by 1.8%. From 2016 to 2018, 2% growth is expected. This figure is made even more significant by the fact that it is internal consumption driving this upturn. As far as we are concerned, we are proud to say that Clei's commercial results are following this positive trend as expected.
In relation to the factors that determined this return to growth, Confindustria's newspaper shows the opinions of entrepreneurs and professionals in the furniture industry, taken from numerous interviews. The position Clei has expressed on this issue is that the expected growth of 3% is to be considered the consolidation of a positive trend generated by investments in human resources and improved customer service.

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